Case 44/79 Liselotte Hauer v Land Rheinland-Pfalz [1979] ECR 3727
Case 44/79 Liselotte Hauer v Land Rheinland-Pfalz [1979] ECR 3727 Facts: The plaintiff sought to challenge the decision of an administrative authority in Germany which had not granted her authorisation in respect of planting new grapes on her land, as the land did not meet the authority's specifications. The national court she initially started the…
Case 5/71 Schöppenstedt
In Case 5/71 AKTIEN-ZUCKERFABRIK SCHÖPPENSTEDT, Schöppenstedt (Lower Saxony), represented by Rudolf Schrader, Chairman, and Alfred Isensee, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, assisted by Arved Deringer, Oaus Tessin, Hansjürgen Herrmann and Jochim Sedemund, Advocates, of the Cologne Bar, with an address for service in Luxembourg at the Chambers of Marc Baden, Advocate, 1 boulevard Prince-Henri,…
Case 53/81 Levin
In Case 53/81 REFERENCE to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the Judicial Division of the Netherlands Raad van State [State Council] ·for a preliminary ruling in the case pending before that court between D. M. LEVIN, Amsterdam, and STAATSSECRETARIS VAN JUSTITIE [Secretary of State for Justice] on the interpretation of [Article 45 TFEU]…
Case 56/65 Societe Technique Miniere
In Case 56/65 Reference to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the Cour d'Appel (First Chamber), Paris, for a preliminary ruling in the action pending before that court between SOCIETE TECHNIQUE MINIERE and MASCHINENBAU ULM GMBH on the interpretation of: 1. [Article 101(1) TFEU] and of certain regulations adopted in implementation thereof; 2. [Article…
Case 6/64 Costa v ENEL
In Case 6/64 Reference to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the Giudice Conciliatore, Milan, for a preliminary ruling in the action pending before that court between FLAMINIO COSTA and ENEL (Ente Nazionale Energia Elettrica (National Electricity Board), formerly the Edison Volta undertaking) on the interpretation of [Articles 117, 108 TFEU], Articles 53 of…
Case 6/64 Costa v ENEL
Case 6/64 Costa v ENEL [1964] Facts: The applicant had to settle an invoice for electricity with ENEL, the state electricity company. He claimed that the law nationalising the electricity sector contradicted EU law. Held: EU law had created its own legal system which, on the entry into force of the Treaty, became an integral…
Case 6/64 Costa v ENEL
Case 6/64 Costa v ENEL [1964] Facts: The applicant had to settle an invoice for electricity with ENEL, the state electricity company. He claimed that the law nationalising the electricity sector contradicted EU law. Held: EU law had created its own legal system which, on the entry into force of the Treaty, became an integral…
Case 60/81 International Business Machines (IBM) v Commission
Case 60/81 International Business Machines (IBM) v Commission [1981] ECR 2639 Facts: The applicant wanted a Commission letter notifying it of competition proceedings against it annulled. The letter included a statement of objections which purported to require a response within a specified time frame. The Commission argued that the letter was not challengeable under Art.…
Case 66/85 Lawrie Blum
JUDGMENT OF THE COURT 3 July 1986 In Case 66/85 REFERENCE to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the Bundesverwaltungsgericht [Federal Administrative Court] for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending before that court between Deborah Lawrie-Blum, residing at Freiburg im Breisgau, and Land Baden-Württemberg on the interpretation of [Article 45 TFEU] and Article…
Case 7/68 Commission v Italy (Art Treasures)
In Case 7/68 COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN [UNION], represented by its Legal Adviser, Armando Toledano, acting as Agent, with an address for service in Luxembourg at the offices of its Legal Adviser, Emile Reuter, 4 boulevard Royal, applicant, and ITALIAN REPUBLIC, represented by Adolfo Maresca, Minister plenipotentiary, acting as Agent, assisted by Pietro Peronaci, Deputy…