The Complete Cases

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  • Case 106/77 Simmenthal II In Case 106/77 REFERENCE to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the Pretore di Susa (Italy) for a preliminary ruling in the action pending before that Court between AMMINISTRAZIONE DELLE FINANZE DELLO STATO (Italian Finance Administration) and SIMMENTHAL S.PA., having its registered office at Monza, on the interpretation of [Article 288 TFEU] and, in…
  • Case 107/83 Klopp In Case 107/83 REFERENCE to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the French Cour de Cassation [Court of Cassation] for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending before that court between ORDRE DES AVOCATS AU BARREAU DE PARIS [the Paris Bar Assocation] and ONNO KLOPP, of the Düsseldorf Bar, on the interpretation of [Article…
  • Case 11/70 Internationale Handelsgesellschaft In Case 11/70 Reference to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the Verwaltungsgericht (Administrative Court) Frankfurt-am-Main, for a preliminary ruling in the case pending before that court between INTERNATIONALE HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT MBH, the registered office of which is at Frankfurt-am-Main, and EINFUHR- UND VORRATSSTELLE FUR GETREIDE UND FUTTERMITTEL, Frankfurt-am­Main, on the validity of the third…
  • Case 11/70 Internationale Handelsgesellschaft Case 11/70 Internationale Handelsgesellschaft [1970] Facts: An EU regulation provided for a system of deposits, which the applicant considered to be against national constitutional law. It was argued that this system was contrary to freedom of action and disposition and proportionality. Held: The system of deposits did not violate any fundamental rights. It would not…
  • Case 11/70 Internationale Handelsgesellschaft [1970] Case 11/70 Internationale Handelsgesellschaft [1970] Facts: An EU regulation provided for a system of deposits, which the applicant considered to be against national constitutional law. It was argued that this system was contrary to freedom of action and disposition and proportionality. Held: The system of deposits did not violate any fundamental rights. It would not…
  • Case 11/82 Piraiki-Patraiki Case 11/82 Piraiki-Patraiki and others v Commission of the European Communities [1985] ECR 207 Facts: The Commission had addressed a decision to France, allowing France to impose restrictions on the importation of cotton from Greece. At the time, some exporters in Greece had contracts pending. Exporters with pending contracts and exporters without pending contracts both…
  • Case 112/84 Humblot JUDGMENT OF THE COURT 9 May 1985 In Case 112/84 REFERENCE to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the Tribunal de grande instance [Regional Court], Belfort, for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending before that court between Michel Humblot and Directeur des services fiscaux on the interpretation of [Article 110 TFEU],
  • Case 120/78 Cassis de Dijon In Case 120/78 REFERENCE to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the Hessisches Finanzgericht for a preliminary ruling in the action pending before that court between REWE-ZENTRAL AG, having its registered office in Cologne, and BUNDESMONOPOLVERWALTUNG FÜR BRANNTWEIN (Federal Monopoly Administration for Spirits), on the interpretation of [Articles 34 and 37 TFEU] in relation…
  • Case 13/83 Parliament v Council (Common Transport Policy) JUDGMENT OF THE COURT 22 May 1985 In Case 13/83 European Parliament, represented by F. Pasetti-Bombardella, Director-General in its General Secretariat, by its Legal Adviser, R. Bieber, and by J. Schoo, an administrator in its General Secretariat, acting as Agents, assisted by J. Schwarze, Professor at the University of Hamburg, and F. Jacobs, Barrister in…
  • Case 14/83 Von Colson In Case 14/83 REFERENCE to the Court under [Article 267 TFEU] by the Arbeitsgericht [Labour Court] Hamm for a preliminary ruling in the action pending before that court between SABINE VON COLSON AND ELISABETH KAMANN and LAND NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN [North-Rhine Westphalia], on the interpretation of Council Directive No 76/207/EEC of 9 February 1976 on the implementation…
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