Part I European Law: Creation

4. Fundamental Rights  

Further Readings

P. Alston (ed.), The EU and Human Rights (Oxford University Press, 1999)

L. Besselink, ‘Entrapped by the Maximum Standard: On Fundamental Rights, Pluralism and Subsidiarity in the European Union’ (1998) 35 CML Rev 629

J. Coppel and A. O’Neill, ‘The European Court of Justice: Taking Rights Seriously?’ (1992) 29 CML Rev 669

S. Douglas-Scott, ‘A Tale of Two Courts: Luxembourg, Strasbourg and the Growing European Human Rights Acquis’ (2006) 43 CML Rev 629

K. Lenaerts, ‘Exploring the Limits of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights’ (2012) 8 European Constitutional Law Review 375

S. Peers et al., The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary (Hart, 2014)

J. Weiler, ‘Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Boundaries: On Standards and Values in the Protection of Human Rights’ in N. Neuwahl and A. Rosas (eds.), The European Union and Human Rights (Brill, 1995), 51